Skills training designed for careers in climate science

Engage with over 40 industry partners

UNRISK Centre for Doctoral Training

UNRISK will train students with the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills across climate science, data science and decision science to tackle the pressing challenge of reducing the risks associated with rapid climate change.

As a PhD student in UNRISK you will benefit from:

  • Exciting research projects at the University of Leeds, University College London and the University of Exeter aimed at improving climate change predictions, understanding its impacts, and providing the best possible information to improve decision-making.
  • Training in skills and competencies sought by employers, including climate science, data science and decision science.
  • Involvement of over thirty industry partners including climate prediction centres, consultancies, regulatory bodies and AI start-ups.
  • A collaborative cohort approach working with and learning from other students tackling a common challenge.

UNRISK will fund 40 PhD students in cohorts of 12-15 per year over three years, providing them with a stipend, university fees and residential training for 3 years and 9 months.